
Updated April 11/2020

"Between  1978 and 1983, HUD budget  shrank from $83 billion to little more than $18 billion in 2004 constant dollars, and since then has never been more than $32 billion except for 2009 and 2010" In 2018 Ben Carson said to Rep Maxine Waters Hud had a 41 billion dollar budget still far from the trillions it needs to be increased to. 

The A.R.M. petition" The Rental Affordability Act (RAA)" doesn't address homelessness in detail like the Affordable Rent Movement petition does we need to be represented. Sign the ARM petition. We need to end the housing crisis for everyone including people who are homeless.

 Link to petition 

More petition info below

The United States Housing Crisis /Emergency 

"Flooding the market with affordable cell phones and solar panels did bring the prices down on those things, it can happen with housing when we in United States change the housing emergency  by building enough safe secure, nice looking, affordable housing to supply all homeless people with homes to live in and enough to supply homes to all the people who are looking for cheaper places to live." A.R.M. petition info


A.R.M. Petition info

What is this petition about?

If you want to participate in the showing of names of support on this issue sign the "Afffordable Rent Movement" petition this is what the petition is about: Rent prices for a safe secure affordable apt or home is higher than the standard disability check for non working people with disabilities who are recieving disability payments from the state and federal government,  the rent prices are higher than the incomes of low income workers and many middle income workers  in the United States. The petition addresses this.

We often hear is said on behalf of the landlords, "it's not the landlord's fault someone can't afford the rent, they need to go and find a cheaper place to rent." Likewise it's not the renter's fault the rents are too expensive for safe secure apartments or homes and it is not their fault there are not other cheaper safe secure apartments  and homes for rent so that they can find a cheaper apartment or home to rent.

Based on that alone there is a housing crisis.  End the housing crisis caused by extremely high rents and not enough affordable rents by building enough safe secure apartments and homes for affordable rent in every neighborhood to make sure every person has safe secure affordable apartment and home options who wants a to rent to live in. 

All so called bad neighborhoods need to be upgraded to safe secure neighbourhoods with safe secure affordable homes and apartments to rent and secure and make safe the ones that are already lived in when necessary. Then people can choose places to rent based on location such as close to their jobs, family etc.  Building enough affordable homes and apartments w/affordable rents made available to all homeless people would end homelessness.

  The knowledge of the facts that it the rent costing too much is not their fault and many possibly tenants cannot afford a landlord's high price is not the landlord's fault, is important in terms of compensation for damages. Class action suits address these types of issues where people are damaged due to no fault of their own but by policies of the city, state or federal government. Many states and cities have no growth or no development like building new homes policies or laws that are so strict on building that developers complain that they can't get permits to build affordable apartments and homes with a results of no growth, this goes on in many places all over the United States. The more these types of policies and laws were followed the more homelessness increased. People decided those no growth policies and laws so people can change that decision and build enough apartments and homes for affordable rent to make sure there's a end to homelessness.

 I liked hearing a renter acknowledge part of the problem by saying  something along these lines to a news reporter; "someone finds it just a little bit harder to get a place because of upper class people like me who over pay (video link). ( This goes on approx 3:10 minutes into the video clip: "Yes in my back yard" ).  It more than a little bit harder" for some people to rent a place due to rents costing too much!  it is a lot harder, but at least it got addressed by someone who helped make it that way by over paying, the main reason he is over paying is because he needs a place to live and he can get the money each month to over pay. However he is speaking out against it, so that shows people do protest rents being too costly even while over paying rent and some folks are still demanding that "enough safe secure homes and apartments with affordable rents be made available so all people who need them can rent one.

Now that  the term "affordable housing" has become a business phrase not a reality in what is being offered by some residental rental businesses that use the phrase "affordable" in their ads but they often supply apartments and homes that are not affordable to low income people, people recieving SSI and a host of other catagories of people can't afford their "affordable home or apartment" that's why it is important to point out the difference.

We cannot keep pointing to the most often referred  rentals available to people with disabilities that are state and city subsidized or hud apartments on wait-list that are closed and most are closed for years, many with list 60 years long or longer to provide homes to everyone on their list, as the solution. That creates more people who become homeless and it adds more people who continue to be homeless because of the lack of affordable places to live to the numbers of people living on the street.  And it is one more reason to raise the  amount of disability SSI payments to cover the real cost of living. This also needs to be addressed; When will legal teams and or disability rights advocates start  advocating for people with disabilities to have SSI monthly payments that cover the cost of a so called market rate apartment or house plus the other necessary living expenses? There is no better time than now.

 There are a lot of homeless people who receive disability SSI monthly. This issue keeps being side stepped. Disability rights activist fought for the right to live independently with protest after protest. And we keep hearing from some politicians about a need for more management of services and more shelters which don't allow living independently for the many people with disabilities who are homeless.

Are we going to let their protest be in vain? The shaming of people who are homeless and people with disabilities needs to end. To keep pretending that counseling the homeless is going fix the problem when we know counseling does not bring down the price of an apartment, and it waste money and injures people who don't need it. The problem is the rent cost too f+#king much. Bring the rent prices down and raise the amount of the disability SSI payments end homelessness.

  For those people who cannot over pay for rent, because the rent is higher than their check, and some landlords require potential tenants to makes 3 times the rent per month, for those people, they shouldn't be forced into homeless shelters, or to live in a tent, vehicle, on their family or friends floor or on a sidewalk etc.  plus the added discrimination from society all of that damages human beings. The right to safe secure affordable homes and apartments is a human need and a human right.

If you care about ending homelessness then let politicians, other policy makers and your community know you want this dealt with. This issue of a "Housing Crisis" is about ending homelessness and the fear of becoming homeless in a long term way with affordability safety and security. Flooding the market with affordable cell phones and solar panels did bring the prices down on those things, it can happen with housing when we in United States change this by building enough safe secure, nice looking, affordable housing to supply all homeless people with homes to live in and enough to supply homes to all the people who are looking for cheaper places to live.

What is this petition for or what can it do? We can all use it to show politicians, policy makers, activist, city building planners, communities etc that people care about this and want changes. And get our issue on the political table to be dealt with and be a part in changing things for the better.

You can sign the Affordable Rent Movement (A.R.M). Petition on 

"Decades of Federal Housing Cutbacks, Massive Homelessness, and Policy

Failures documents the direct correlation between homelessness and the massive cuts to

HUD and USDA affordable housing programs that began in 1979 and continue today.

"Between  1978 and 1983, HUD budget shrank from $83 billion to little more than $18 billion in 2004 constant dollars, and since then has never been more than $32 billion except for 2009 and 2010 because of Recovery Act funding" from Without Housing Fact Sheet

And Ben Carson Hud Secretary says "we don't need anymore money. That's not the problem"  What the heck is he saying that untrue stuff for?

In my opinion for society to keep blaming people who are homeless for homelessness, that is like blaming African Americans for jim crow laws, when the housing budget and anti-affordable housing laws are the reason.

Did the Trump adminstration do a parody and sing Ben the two of us need look no more because they found what they looking for; someone who would Hud doesn't need anymore money, after appointing Ben Carson as Hud Secretary? Because of budget cuts people who are homeless didn't find affordable homes they  need from Trump's adminstration? I know the way some folks live life is called a rat race but geezh! I'm not calling Mr. Carson a pet rat or anything but the situation reeks. *For folks who don't know; It's a Michael Jackson about Ben a pet rat and Bob Marley's song rat race that came to mind how ironic.  keeping a sense of humor helps.

I wrote about Ben Carson's HUD policies a few weeks ago. I then read additional information that made me question my first analysis.

The questions came after I saw information concerning no growth laws in various state in the U.S. and asked, maybe this why Ben Carson said no bto Governor Newsom's request for more HUD assistance for California?

I felt disappointed when I heard Ben Carson say on the Democracy Now show when asked her said, HUD doesn't need anymore money. I felt glad to see the politicans against Ben Carson's rent increase proposal. Ben says Hud is working with 41 billion dollars. We all remember that Trump threatened California by saying; if they didn't deal with homelessness problem he is gonna call in the feds. Why didn't Trump call the feds and say, "Get that HUD budget up,  it needs to be in the trillions now, and get the housing emergency resolved immediately!" Why?  The answer seems to be Trump doesn't care about building more affordable homes, issuing more HUD section 8 vouchers or making shelters secure safe and temporary w/affordable housing option available to move into. And making it so shelter workers and other housing advocacy workers actually have affordable safe secure homes and apts to refer people to so that they are able to actually make sure people are getting out of the shelters and into permanent houses and apts soon, so they can always have openings to help people when needed or in a local or national emergency.

After recently seeing the information about the HUD budget cuts from 86 billion to 18 billion dollars that made it clear that Ben Carson's answer no concerning Governor Newsom's request was to keep the HUD budget low and not adequate to supply the needed amount of housing assistance.  The Hud budget needs to be increased. My first analysis about this was correct and in agreement with many folks who oppose his proposals for keeping a inadequate, Mr. Ben Carson is not the best choice for the position a HUD official he doesn't care about ending homelessness with homes first. It shouldn't be a gamble or a lottery event to get a place to live and they turned HUD assistance into that. We must request a change and demand a change.

Watch "How The Trump Administration Plans to Dismantle Public Housing Brick by Brick" The people's complaints in this video clip shows Ben Carson is clear, he wants to make it hard on the people who already have HUD and limit the possibility of helping more people who don't already have HUD. YouTube https//

These are just a few political Representatives to get the petition to when it gets more signatures because they're speaking out about this issue. 

 "Rep. Torres Questions HUD Secretary Ben Carson" YouTube https//

"Maxine Waters Confronts Ben Carson" YouTube

Mayor of New York disagrees w/Ben Carson's proposed low income rent increase 2019, "Regional HUD director fields questions about housing cuts in proposed White House budget" YouTube https//

In 2008 Speaker Nancy Pelosi-talks about prevention of foreclosures, more home ownership for low-income folks, affordable housing and more. The Trump adminstration has weaken many of the protections low-income renters and home owners had - Final Housing Bill" on YouTube

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