
Lyrics and comments 

A man surprised a homeless lady with a new home ❤️"  This is a wonderful thing thus person didvto help someone. There's homeless people in shelters, on the streets, in vehicles, cars, trucks and Rvs, however some folks are taking matters into their own hands and making sure there's less people homeless by helping homeless people find a  home. This is part of what's needed to end homrlessness.  view window below 

Homeless People Need A Home Again 


© kuango seilah

yeah yeah I wanta talk about real truth about homelessness the truth we gotta face if we ever wanna end it. The real truth is this:

Homeless people need a home again, so they can cook their own food again, sleep in their own bed again, take a shower whenever they want to again and never have ask permission again. The only way homelessness is gonna ever end, is when homeless people have permanent homes again. A home to call their own again, yeah homeless people need a home again.

Verse: As long as people are made to feel ashamed, no solutions will be gained. Like when Trump criticized San Francisco and he wrongly named homeless people as the cause of water pollution These types of conversations don't offer any real solution to ending homelessness. The United States can do better and declare homes first for all who need them and end criminalization against people for being homeless

Because policing the homeless and criminalizing them is a fool's goal, something to never be chased, we need solutions, so homelessness can be erased, because

Chorus: homeless people, need a home again. So they cook their own food again, maybe even see a movie again, connect with friends and family again, sleep in their own bed again, Have the same place to lay their head again, homeless people need a home again.

Verse: Don’t make all the talk about affordable housing sound ²illogical again.

Because people work, hope and pray for change again.

So don't keep telling them the same old thang again

$1000.00 a month, $2000.00 a month is affordable rent, don't tell them that lie again.

Because it's leaving out people who receive social security and SSI again

 Even $600.00 a month is pricing many low income families, outta homes and apts again. Because it doesn’t leave them with enough money for food, medication and utilities and this is not including all of, the necessities. We gotta tell the truth again and again.

Chorus: Homeless people need a home again

So they can cook their own food again

Sleep in their own bed again

Have a home to call their own again

Homeless people need a home again

The only way homelessness will ever end

Is when homeless people have a home again, yeah.

Verse: Homes first is idea that could be embraced

in the United States

 because homelessness is something

no one should ever have to face


Currently there are homeless people w/jobs, homeless people without jobs, homeless people with children. Homeless people who are nurses, doctors, college professors, lawyers, waitress, teachers, construction workers, firefighters, people from all walks of life. Homeless people who are healthy, homeless people with chronic illnesses, chronic injuries, people with disabilities, all homeless people don’t fit into the same category. But the truth remains the same. The only way homelessness is gonna ever end, is when homeless people, have a home again. .... end of lyric excerpt 

Water Pollution wrongly blamed on the SF homeless people: EPA Sends San Francisco Notice Of Violating Clean Water Act Due To Homeless" The mayor and others disagree with EPA based on facts about San Francisco's water filtering process and efforts to keep drinking water clean Kpix News YouTube


Homelessness Can Happen To Anyone: Change Things So It Doesn't Anymore

Nomad not by choice "59 Year Old Woman Kicked Out of Family Home. Her family knows she speaks Spanish mainly and doesn't speak English well and they made her homeless anyway." YouTube

Firefighter who became homeless Now Helping Homeless People in San Francisco VR180"  YouTube

A doctor who became homeless

A Registered nurse ends up homeless in the streets of phoenix" on YouTube

Formerly Unsheltered Sonoma County Author Takes New Direction

"In April of this year, the Bohemian ran an article about Campagnola’s struggles to find housing and his efforts to publish his novel, and soon, after another local publication picked up the story, a homeowner in Petaluma reached out to Campagnola and offered him a place to stay."




(c) By Kuango Seilah

Water is life and I don't wanta waste it  

It's keeping us alive and I know you don’t wanta waste it

Water is life and I don't wanta waste it

Water is a valuable resource

I don't wanta waste it

My body is thankful every time I taste it

Only water can quench and satisfy my thirst

some times I have some watery fruit first

Before I have some water

I don’t wanta waste

 When we started off in our mother's womb in water we were bathing

Water was first,   maybe that's why only water can quench and satisfy the human thirst

I don't wanta waste it

Water is life I don't wanta waste it

It's keeping us alive and I know that you don’t wanta waste it

Water is life and I don't wanta waste it

It's keeping us alive and I know that you don't, wanta waste it.

Some times when you're filling up a jug

and some spills some on the ground

 I know you don't wanta waste it

don't frown the ground can taste it, yeah it can take it

 when we pollute it whether it's on purpose or not

 it's a waste yeah? I know we can make it cleaner

 If that's our plan to make sure no body of water is filled with any poison

Cause nobody can drink it safely if it’s polluted.

Water is life I don't wanta waste it

It keeps us alive and I know, yes I know, you don't wanta waste it

Water is life and I don't wanta waste it

It's keeping us alive and I know that, you don't wanta waste it

Water is life and I don't wanta waste it

It keeps us alive and I know that , you don't wanta waste it

Water is life and I don't wanta waste it

don't wanta waste it

I don't wanta waste it

My body is thankful every time that I taste it

Water is life

It’s keeping us alive and I don't wanta waste it

 I don't wanta waste it

bqktw music; spoken word

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