
Art drawings and other art  making formats

🛸 The above photo and art about ufos makes me think of sci-fi movies and ufo sightings of course  and they also makes me think of flying cars & other flying vehicles that are being experimented with in hopes that they will one day be a common thing to see in our sky.  Less commute time due to airway short cuts? Will they require less battery power than road EVs? 🛸 Link to  some of those Vehicles Of The Future - Future Transportation System 2050"  YouTube link 



Link to art work with the photo of a tree that you can enlarge with augur fingers.

I took photos of this tree because it's beautiful and because of the many  images I could see in the wood, similar to cloud watching. And I thought, hey, I could hightlight what I see, add some images by drawing on the photo, parts of the trunk reminds me of art of faces from many countries Africa, Americas, Asia, and parts of the trunk remind me of the Egyptian pharaoh's metal false beard, or postiche that they put on, Hatshepsut had one the she put on when she was pharaoh of Egypt,  I wanted to bring that out more, there's also lot of other image inspiration in this Northern California tree that reminds me of star trek character costume possibilities,  it makes me wonder did the creators pf those ever get inspired by trees. That's part of how this art piece was created. The photo before I did any drawing on the photo is below

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