
Song lyrics

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*note*  I have some song  lyrics posted online but all of the songs don't currently have a music recordings that are online to link to. I don't  want you to be wasting time looking, so this is just want to inform those who are interested, some songs lyrics have links to their music recordings and some don't. 

Listen above or on YouTube app

This Song  

© Kuango Seilah

I decided to write this song so I could say these things. I been thinking about oldest deities known to human beings, the Mother Deities. And the many cultures that have spiritual beliefs that include concepts of Divine Women.

 These are part of truths the colonizers tried to hide, when they started to dehumanize women and try to keep the truth hidden. Teaching that its natural that men dominate women, women have managed their own lives, and the lives of many many w/out domination, invented many things, Mothering nations That’s why….

Chorus: This song is about terminating sexism, these efforts will never stop until all women are free, have total equality. Talking about the work to be free I’m saying it’s time society wipes out sexism for the sake of humanity

Verse: The fact that there’s the existence of ancient Mother Deities all over the Earth you know when the Creator of all is a She?

Its odd how we are taught, through colonization  human beings come from Eve, and she came from the rib of a man, it goes against nature and everything that we understand about the birth process, systemic sexism should be banned from our consciousness, -music-  lyrics: because ... it’s one more insult, another attempt to praise institutionalized ideologies that dehumanize women. 

This dehumanization has helped produced and maintain rape culture. When you dehumanize people, it’s makes it easier for those dehumanized to be misused and abused by those who love to abuse.

The punishment of Eve in the garden of Eden has been use as an explaination for labor pains, it’s been used as a reason to attacks Indigenous people who worshipped Mother deities and its been use as justification to attack cultures that treated women equally while they call them pagans, to demonize them and demonize pagans, it's been used as part of the foundation for the current systemic sexism going on and that's why ...

Chorus: I’m talking about the work to be free and I’m saying this labor of work for to women to be free, is painful and it doesn’t have to be, I’m saying I decided to write this song and say these things and I know I'm not the only one, you know what I mean...

Systemic sexism in our culture every where we that look, hate of women and disrespect, in many cases women doing equal work but they are paid less 

So many  attacks on women, there’s urgent reports on the news about women missing, getting killed, rape or abused.

Yet women keep making progress, to educate and empower themselves and each other and moving forward with the goal to teach their community & their sons & daughters to be bold and respect women & men equally and continue the work to eliminate sexism for the sake of humanity. And that is why … 

I’m talking about the work to be free and I’m saying this labor of work for to women to be free, is painful and it doesn’t have to be, I’m saying I decided to write this song and say these things and I know, I'm not the only one, you know what I mean...

Just he other day I heard a man say, as his explanation of why, he hates folks who are lgbtq, he said 

It goes all the way back to Eve how human beings should be viewed, he said, women were created to compliment men, that is the woman's purpose in life. He refuses to acknowledge women's human rights

 When it comes to homosexuality, he says it goes against nature, even animals would not be a homosexual. And that’s not true, there's homosexual animals too. 

 He religion teaches Eve came from the rib of man when it goes against nature and everything that we understand about birth process. 

And this belief was promoted with colonization and it’s still promoted with full knowledge that the many indigenous people all over earth are saying human beings began life on earth because it was a woman giving birth 

when it comes to dominating and rulership over women, some men say, this rulership is because, men started life first on earth, while they curse the existence of women and womanhood and bless the existence of men and manhood in/by teaching men to rule over women.

It goes against nature and everything we understand about the human rights process, systemic sexism should be banned from our consciousness,

Because it’s one more insult, another attempt to praise institutionalized ideologies that dehumanize women. 

Chorus: And that’s why I’m talking about the work to be free, I’m saying this labor of work for women to be free is painful and it doesn’t have to be, I decided to write this song and say these things and I know, I'm not the only one, you know what I mean? ... I decided to write this song and say these things and I know I'm not the only one, I know you know what I mean.

And men who don’t want to rule over women, being called names that’s nothing new and the women who demand equal rights for women being called names is nothing new, its one more insult, another attempt to praise, institutionalized ideologies that dehumanize women and this discrimination goes against nature, and everything that we understand about the human rights process, systemic sexism should be banned from our consciousness. I decided to write this song and say these things and I know I'm not the only one, you know what I mean

 end of song lyrics/ bqktw commentary post

 A little bit of history about the influence of religion on systemic sexism in our culture in the United States

Part of systemic sexism has roots in religion, this is one example; The "he" mentioned is referring to God, and "the woman" is Eve, and this about what God said to Eve about her punishment and is used as a explaination for the pain women experience during labor and part of the punishment is also being "ruled over by a man"

"To the woman he said, “I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you” (Genesis 3:16, NIV Version)

17. To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’

“Cursed is the ground because of you;

    through painful toil you will eat food from it

    all the days of your life." ( Genisis 3:17 NIV version)

The next biblical quote from the King James Version Genesis 3:16-17

16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

So many Indigenous Peoples around the world were told they were sinning if the men kept their tradition of asking the women aka men and women discussing decisions that were gonna effect their families and villages, was said to be a sin and discouraged over and over again until, later traditional cooperation between men and women was changed into domination and a " men rule over women" society was encouraged based on the institutionalization of the belief men ruling over women is "God will" and should be part of society's laws The rest is history, a long history of women demanding equal rights, and it is currently a ongoing movement of Women's Liberation and Women's Rights, the movement has changed, but it has not ended.

Similarly, any demands for humane labor practices was fought for a long time based on the message in biblical verses given as the example mentioned, painful toil . Some employers believed it was justification for having bad work conditions that were horrific based on that verse alone, they were doing God's will by creating "painful toil" work environments, and some folks even use it to justify enslaving people. Of course the rest is history people demanded better work conditions and abolished some forms of slavery in the United States. Both of these movements, labor rights and ending all slavery in the United States, are ongoing.

Poland "Polish MEP Korwin-Mikke: Women must earn less than men because..." he says women must be paid less, because women are weaker, they are smaller, they're less intelligent, they must be paid less, that's all. The same belief is also held by some people in the United States. However people fought to change the laws, so earnings won't be based these type discriminatory beliefs in the United States,  there's still work being done on this issue. YouTube

* (pagans: according to some people's research the word pagan originally was referring to people who lived in pagos, Greece and there are other villages with a similar names in different parts of Europe that contributed to people being called pagans. But because of the demonization of the words this information doesn't come up immediately in a google search. "pagus (plural pagi) was a Roman administrative term designating a rural subdivision of a tribal territory, which included individual farms, villages" link

In contemporary conversations about decolonization, this is a point which is often overlooked – Europeans are indigenous too. Before the spread of Christianity, Europe was home to a profusion of  religious beliefs, most of which are pejoratively referred to as paganism. "The word derives from the Latin paganus meaning ‘of the countryside,’ essentially calling them hicks or bumpkins." Link

"The continent of Africa is home to many indigenous religions: Vodun, Ifá, Badimo, Dini Ya Misambwa, Ọdinani, and countless others. A century ago, these were the dominant faiths across the continent, but today, only about 10% of Africans practice an indigenous religion." Link

Decolonial Atlas Link

I'm personally not against any religions. I'm against people insisting that other people who are different than them in religion, gender, race, disability, class or sexual orientation who say their religion  condones discrimination. That I will always not support.

  When I heard the minister from Ghana saying he is against same gender marriages because God created the woman to compliment the man and this is her purpose, I hear an example of someone saying their religion insist lgbtq not have marriage rights because their beliefs not because of a lfbtq person's beliefs. Some minister say God created women and men to compliment each other and this means marriages are suppose to be between one woman and one man. Again there is more than one religion in existence and some religions say marriages are between adults who love each other, some religions allow marriages between one man with many women, in Nepal it's accepted that marrage can be, between one woman with many men, sime women have mire than 5 husbands there. There's  a long list of places with different beliefs based on their religion, those are just two small examples. However in Nepal people are not punished if they just want their marriage to be between two people. One person's religion shouldn't demand other people base their marriage on another person's interpretation of religion when they don't agree with it. What about the rights of all the Indigenous Ghanaians who are born lgbt? Their rights are important and some have escaped to other countries but not all of them, no one should be  discriminated against because of they are lgbt.

It's About Freedom

(c) kuango seilah    Publisher bqktw 

Chorus: It’s about freedom it’s about peace it’s about justice for everybody

Verse: Some people say if you're lesbians and gay you're a sinner, 

as long they discriminate against us that way nobody is a winner./hate is the winner.

Do you think just because you're straight, heterosexuality gonna get you into heaven's pearly gates? Not unless you're working for freedom, peace yeah and justice for everybody yeah, cause it's about .....

Chorus: freedom it’s about peace, it’s about justice for everybody.

Verse: Some people say if straights are friends with lesbians and gays they're sinners as long as they judge us that way hate is the winner. /(nobody is a winner).

What are you talking to ‘em for if they're lesbian, gay, intersex, Asexual, bisexual or transgender, these words sometimes used to encourage homophobic hate. I encourage love and say everyone is loved by the Creator who is love. The Creator is not hate.

Chorus: It’s about freedom it’s about peace it’s about justice for everybodyFreedom freedom freedom freedom for everybody.

I refuse to be someone I'm not simply because you disagree,  I've got the right to be free. I refuse to be someone I'm not, simply because you  discriminate, don't blame God for your hate. The Creator is love and I've got the right to be free you've got the right to be free I've got the right to be me. I've got the right to be free. Freedom for everybody freedom, freedomthe Creator loves everybody. It’s about freedom, it’s about peace, it’s about equality for everybody.


It doesn't matter whether we are black or white, Latino or Asian. It doesn't matter whether we are straight or gay." John Lewis ======

Concerning the Civil Rights action at The Stonewall Inn in 1969 Storme said; 

“It was a rebellion, it was an uprising, it was a civil rights disobedience— it wasn’t no damn riot.” – Stormé DeLarverie

Enough is a song about the Ending Sexual Assaults a movement; Dismantle the rape culture, End the rape culture around the world.

Enough (lyric excerpt)

No more rape End Sexual assaults Enough Enough we had Enough of this tyrant stuff we had enough. Enough Enough of rape dismantle the rape culture tear it down dismantle the rape culture tear it up.

Laws changed …. It’s no longer legal to rape your wife

In many places date rape is acknowledged.

All over the world rape should be abolished. Marches around to

end the rape culture, Marches around the world to protest how the victims and survivors of sexual assaults are insulted and mistreated.



In many countries it's still legal to rape your wife......

Somebody's daughter, somebody's sister, somebody's mother, somebody's friend,

somebody's son, somebody's father, somebody's brother,

somebody's lawyer, somebody's doctor, somebody's nurse, somebody's teacher,  some human being has been hurt by rape! 

People from all walks of life have been hurt by this stuff Enough!.....  1 out of 53 men raped, 1 out of 4 women raped. We ain't gonna take it no more.  ...........................


Women from all walks of life have been hurt by this stuff ENOUGH!

No more excuses and no more lies clothes are not a invitation to rape somebody. No more excuses no more lies no such thing as a invitation to rape somebody....     .................

End of lyric excerpt  


Government Funded Rape Experiments Should Never Be Forgotten

Rape experiments should never be forgot, it was without consent both the experiment and the sexual assault. It clearly shows the systemic sexism in our society, and in the culture in the United States in America.  I mentioned this a while back: Mkultra is a involuntary human experiment about mind control. This experiment project has 149 subprojects, it included drugging and rape without consent. We know the horrors of rape and being drugged without consent is damages all on it's own w/out being part of a government experiment. So we need to be mindful of how horrible it is when it is a involuntary experiment that people cannot get away from. There is evidence that Mkultra didn't end when the government said it did, much of it was hidden under new names. Some of the institutions that did these /do these types of experiments for the government and private companies are unwitting. A recent sexual experimenter was stopped in January 2020.

Whether he is CIA government funded or not, the CIA Mkultra program set a standard that okay-ed sexual violation experiments by institutions and other agencies. It needs to end.  Link to Dr. Rea's sexual experiments on people in a care facility.

*There is a another version of the song enough with some lines from George White's statements about who do you use for these experiments? His reply; women, gays, college students,the mentally ill .... I will probably included it in this version at some point.* I took down the audio of it from online so it's not uploaded right now. But some of the lyrics are here to read




   Texas bill could let a rapist sue if his victim gets an abortion  Link


One in 16 US women’s first sexual experience is rape, forced sex, new study finds

When we talk about sexual violence, what we’re really talking about is power imbalance between women and men,” she said. “We’re learning more and more how insidious that inequality is in our society.” link


Pbs articles states "girls 17 or younger were not included in this study." The study says the average age was 15.5, " If the survey had included girls younger than 17 or women older than 45, "certainly that absolute number would be higher," link to PBS article I noticed the article stated "One out of five women" there been a long standing figure of "one out of four" for decades, I hope the one out of five statement in the article means things have changed and there's less rape, however I'm  not certain about it. One out of five is still to many.



"Native American women are being murdered and sexually assaulted on reservations and nearby towns at higher rates than other American women."


Chanel Miller on why she refuses to be reduced to the ‘Brock Turner sexual assault victim

After she was assaulted while unconscious, Miller’s life split in two. She became known as ‘Emily Doe’ – and her assailant served just three months in prison. Now she’s ready to tell the world who she really is"

End the rape culture, dismantle  the rape culture tear it down

End the rape culture, dismantle the rape culture tear it down

End Rape Culture

Dismantle The Rape Culture

Tear It Down

Me Too

End rape around the world.

"Rape can be abolished."

Boston Feminists for Liberation link

Child rape and forced child marriages  are going on in many places. Ethiopia's Amhara Region is one of those places. People there are speaking out about it. Maybe the WHO and communities in many countries  can adopt villages it occurrs in to prevent it from continuing. link

This also happens in Yemin link

Child Marriage In the USA

up until 1899 it was common for men 50 yrs old and older to marry girls as young as 12 years old, people in the USA changed that and ended that kind of uninformed consent marriage. However there is still a problem with it, and some women are working on changing things. People working tp change the laws about this say there are still chidren getting married with parental consent under parental pressure to not disgrace their families. Sherry Johnson  explains she was pregnant due to sexual assault and forced to marry the man who did that to her when she was eleven years old, She believes eleven years old is to young to consent to marriage with or without parental consent. Sherry Johnson: My fight to end child marriage in America" YouTube

Does the Black Community Protect Men Over Women in Sexual Assault Cases? | ESSENCE Now" this video clip shares good questions and is informative.  One woman says she was on the recieving end of comments like, she is lucky anyone paid attention to her and she should be happy about unwanted sexual advances. It's good Essence provided a platform for the women featured to be heard. YouTube

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